Offutt Weather: Graphic of Aircraft with lightning and clouds

Spring and Summer Hazards

Offutt AFB is located in a region that is highly susceptible to thunderstorms and tornadoes from April-August. Below are some of the common hazards associated with spring and summer weather in Nebraska.

The average number of tornadoes in Nebraska per year is 47. Spawned from powerful thunderstorms, tornadoes can cause fatalities and devastate a neighborhood in seconds. Tornadoes appear as rotating funnel-shaped clouds with whirling winds that can reach more than 300 miles per hour. For more information on how to prepare for, and how to react to a tornado watch or warning, click on this link: Tornado Hazards

Every year,lightning strikes cause appoximately 300 injuries and 60 deaths. Most strikes occur when people are caught outdoors in the summer months during the afternoon and evening. Lightning can occur with or without heavy rain and can strike up to 10 miles away from any rainfall. For more information on lightning hazards, click on this link:Lightning Hazards

Floods are one of the most common hazards in the United States. Floods can affect local neighborhoods and communities, or entire river basins stretching across multiple states. Floods can occur slowly over several days or may develop quickly as 'Flash Floods' within minutes and without any visible sign of rain. For more information, click on this link:Flood Hazards

Hail normally accompanies thunderstorms and tornadoes. Hail is formed by rain freezing as it falls to the ground. As it falls, it gathers more rain drops and increases in size. Hail can be smaller than a pea or as large as a softball and can be very destructive to plants, crops, property and people. In a hailstorm, take cover immediately. Pets and livestock are particularly vulnerable to hail, so move animals into a shelter. Hail causes nearly $1 billion in damage to property and crops annually. The costliest U.S. hailstorm occured in Denver, Colorado on July 11, 1990. Total damage was $625 million.

Strong Winds
Straight-line winds are often responsible for most of the wind damage that occurs with thunderstorms in Nebraska. The storms typically pack damaging winds that move in a straight-line across the Earth's surface, sending trees, flagpoles and other objects to the ground. However, they can occur at any time of the year, with or without the presence of a thunderstorm. One type of straight-line wind that is extremely dangerous to aviation is the 'downburst,' which can cause damage equivalent to a tornado.

Fall and Winter Hazards

Winter weather in Nebraska is often unpredictable, and can immobilizethe entire region. Winter storms vary greatly depending on wind, temperature and precipitation, and are capable of causing light to moderate snow, blizzard conditions, sleet and ice, and dangerously cold temperatures. Below are some of the hazardous weather conditions you should be familiar with along with links to more information on how you can prepare for such weather.

Snow and Blizzards
Snowfall alone, doesn't usually present a catastrophic danger. However, it can be hazardous if accompanied with high winds, short-term heavy snowfall, or ice in the form of a blizzard. The winters in Nebraska are never the same so you should always be prepared for the worst case scenario. For more information, click on this link:Snow and Blizzard Hazards

Sleet and Ice
Sleet usually occurs when the ground temperature is lower than the air temperature. As the rain falls, it turns into soft, slushy ice pellets that freeze when hitting the ground or other surfaces. Freezing rain is a cold rain that freezes after reaching the ground. Both sleet and freezing rain are extremely hazardous. For more information, click on this link:Sleet and Ice Hazards

Wind Chill
Wind chill is the cooling effect of wind on temperature. Unprotected portions of the body, such as the face and hands, can become frostbitten in as little as 30 seconds if the wind chill factor is low enough. For more information, click on the following link:Wind Chill Hazards

FSS Facility Guidance

Lodging:  Mission Essential. Guest services will continue to provide quality customer service to our guests during period of inclement weatherand delayed reporting. Lodging will ensure that walkways are cleared however, we ask that our guests are aware that there may be expected delaysduring inclement weather.


King: Mission Essential. The DFAC will remain open (Pending food 2.0 construction. Following the start of 2.0 construction the King Dining facility will be closed for a period of time).


Fitness: Non-Mission Essential. The field house will follow the inclement weather schedule for non-essential personnel based on guidance provided through the chain of command, i.e., late reporting or base closure.  When there is a delayed start, the Offutt Field House will open when the base is set to open. Members can use 24-hour access capabilities until the base opens. Fitness Testing: If Offutt is in a two-hour delayed reporting, the first testing session will be conducted at 0930 and the second session will be at 1230. Individuals will be allowed to reschedule without a no-show letter being sent out. If the delay last longer than two hours we notify UFPM's to reschedule the individual at another time.

CDC & Youth For delayed reporting CDC & Youth will open one hour prior to the delayed start (i.e. if delayed start is for 10 am, CDC and Youth will open at 9 am) / If the base is closed, the CDC and YP are closed unless instructed otherwise.

Military Personnel Section: Non-Mission Essential. The MPS will have personnel on call during inclement weather periods for Customer Service issues (Career Development and Force Management will remain closed). If mission essential personnel require an emergency CAC reset or assistance, please call (402) 507-0514. 

Education Offices: Non-Mission Essential. All testing will be rescheduled.

Weather Information

Tornado Shelter Information

Click on the following link to visit the Offutt Air Force Base Facebook page for the most up to date information on delayed reporting and closures due to inclement weather. NOTE: A Facebook account is not required to view this page. Offutt AFB

Click on the link above for frequently asked questions regarding Offutt services and organizations affected by inclement weather reporting. Reporting and Closure FAQs

Are You Prepared?

Both natural and man-made disasters can occur at any time. The best actions you can take are those that happen before a disaster strikes. Click on the following link for a guide that will help you decide what you need to do to be preparedDisaster Preparedness


-Nebraska Emergency Management
-Sarpy County Emergency Management
-American Red Cross


Inclement Weather Release

Unit commanders and supervisors will release all non-designated personnel to the guidelines of the early release notification. All non-designated personnel will need to pick up their children from the Child Development Centers and Youth Center.

Delayed reporting is determined by the commander during hazardous weather conditions, and it allows base personnel additional time for safe travel to the base. Delayed reporting applies to military and civilian personnel and leave will not be charged. Non-designated personnel are not expected to be at work until the delayed report time.

Individuals identified by their commanders as designated personnel are to report for duty at their normal report time.

NOTE: Service members and civilians who are unsure of base operating procedures or their reporting status should speak with their supervisor or unit commander.

Offutt AFB Operator

Offutt Air Force Base Operator 
(402) 294-1110
DSN: 271-1110

Offutt AFB Public Affairs does not act as an operator service or base locator.