
Offfutt Air Force Base is a non-public news gathering forum and as such, all civilian media must have approval and a Public Affairs escort prior to entering the base. The 55th Wing PA Media Operations team will make arrangements to meet civilian media prior to their arrival at the Offutt AFB.

Media interested in covering Offutt activities should call 402-294-3663 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to arrange for an escort and for detailed information regarding upcoming media opportunities. The office has a 24-hour on-call PA representative who can be reached by calling the 55th Wing Command Post at 402-294-3725.

Media Operations facilitates engagement and two-way communication with the service members and the media, which is often one of the most rapid and credible means of delivering the commander’s message. Remaining open, honest, and accessible to the maximum extent possible normally results in greater accuracy, context, and timeliness in communicating with internal and external audiences. Personnel assigned to Offutt whether permanent or deployed will coordinate all official media requests and queries through the 55 WG/PA office.

The 55th Wing Public Affair’s Media Operations office is available to help service members be a better, more confident, more prepared ambassador of the U.S. Air Force.

Comm: (402) 294-3663

DSN : 271-3663 

Email: 55WG.PA@us.af.mil

Press Releases

Offutt AFB Operator

Offutt Air Force Base Operator 
(402) 294-1110
DSN: 271-1110

Offutt AFB Public Affairs does not act as an operator service or base locator.