Colonel Jeremy R. Smith

Col Jeremy R. Smith is the Commander, 55th Electronic Combat Group, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. He is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping five squadrons of more than 855 Airmen to provide combat-ready EC-130H COMPASS CALL aircraft, aircrew, and maintainers for worldwide expeditionary deployment in support of the unified combatant commanders.

Col Smith entered the U.S. Air Force in November 2001 through Officer Training School at Maxwell AFB, AL. He went on to earn electronic warfare wings at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas and gained formative experiences as a Jammer (EC-130H), through rapid-acquisition (BIG SAFARI Program Element Monitor), as a Collector (RC-135U), and with allies & partners (NATO HQ). Along the way, Col Smith received Staff and Command opportunities that shaped his desire to remain engaged with the Warriors who get the job done well every day. Prior to his current position, Col Smith was an Academic Year 2023 student of the Air War College, Maxwell AFB, AL. 

2001 Bachelor of Psychology, Wright State University, Fairborn, Ohio
2002 Aerospace Basic Course, Maxwell AFB, Alabama
2009 Squadron Officer School (correspondence), Waco, Texas
2012 Air Command and Staff College (seminar), Washington D.C.
2014 Master of International Relations, University of Oklahoma, Washington D.C.
2019 Program Manager Level III Certification, Greenville, Texas
2021 Air War College (correspondence), Greenville, Texas
2023 Master of Strategic Studies, Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama 

1. April 2002 – December 2003, Joint Specialized Undergraduate Navigator Training, Randolph AFB, Texas
2. December 2003 – April 2005, Standardization and Evaluations Liaison Officer, Instructor/Evaluator, 41stElectronic Combat Squadron, Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona
3. April 2005 – June 2007, Assistant Flight Commander, Training Flight, 41st Electronic Combat Squadron, DMAFB, Arizona
4. June 2007 – January 2008, Assistant Flight Commander, Courseware Management, 42d Electronic Combat Squadron, DMAFB, Arizona
5. January 2008 – January 2009, EC-130H Project Engineer, Mission Support Flight Commander, 661stAeronautical Systems Squadron, Waco, Texas
6. January 2009 – May 2011, Chief of Test, 661st Aeronautical Systems Squadron, Waco, Texas 
7. May 2011 – June 2013, BIG SAFARI Program Element Monitor, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), Pentagon, Washington D.C.
8. June 2013 – February 2015, Chief, BIG SAFARI Branch, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), Pentagon, Washington D.C.
9. February 2015 – July 2015, Student, RC-135U, 338th Combat Training Squadron, Offutt AFB, Nebraska
10. July 2015 – January 2016, Assistant Director of Operations, 45th Reconnaissance Squadron, OAFB, Nebraska
11. January 2016 – May 2017, Chief, 55th Wing Commander’s Action Group, OAFB, Nebraska
12. May 2017 – May 2019, Deputy Commander, 645th Aeronautical Systems Squadron, Greenville, Texas
13. May 2019 – June 2021, Commander, 645th Aeronautical Systems Squadron, Greenville, Texas
14. June 2021 – June 2022, Executive Officer to the U.S. Military Representative/Planner, Brussels, Belgium
15. June 2022 – June 2023, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
16. June 2023 – present, Investigating Officer, The Inspector General, Pentagon, Washington D.C. 

1. June 2021 – June 2022, Executive Officer to the U.S. Military Representative/Planner, Brussels, Belgium 

Rating: Master Navigator (Electronic Warfare Officer)
Flight hours: 2,400 total including 974 combat hours (EC-130H) and 497 Scientific & Technical hours (RC-135U) Additional Aircraft flight tested: U-28A, NC-135W, MC-12W, C-32A, RC-135V/W and RC-135S 

Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters
Aerial Achievement Medal with one oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal
Joint Service Achievement Medal

2003 Colonel Mike Gilroy Award, Top Electronic Warfare Officer, Class 03-06
2003 Major Jack Donovan Award, Top Overall Graduate, Class 03-06 

(Current as of July 2024)