55th Intelligence Support Squadron The 55th Intelligence Support Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base has a unique mission, combining the efforts of three separate intelligence squadrons, the 97th Intelligence Squadron at Offutt AFB, the 488th Intelligence Squadron at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, United Kingdom and the 390th Intelligence Squadron at Kadena AB, Japan. The 55th ISS also combines the efforts of several other intelligence-gathering units across the United States to create intelligence products and information vital to national security and U.S. forces worldwide. Activated on July 22, 2010, the 55th ISS is the hub for 55th Wing intelligence oversight and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance management, as well as the worldwide maintenance hub for mission equipment on all RC-135 variants. In addition to these missions, the 55th ISS is the computer nerve center for Offutt AFB assuring continuous connectivity for many of the nation's most vital assets. Following its creation, 55th ISS took over several functions from the 55th Operational Support Squadron and the 97th IS and is comprised of 15 percent Air Combat Command and 85 percent Air Force ISR Agency personnel. The 55th ISS currently has 219 active-duty personnel with 24 different Air Force specialty codes and 91 civilians, all supporting seven aircraft. The 55th ISS has supported Operations ENDURING FREEDOM, IRAQI FREEDOM, NEW DAWN, ODYSSEY DAWN and UNIFIED PROTECTOR. Additionally, the 55th ISS aircrews continue to support all seven combatant commands, including both United States Northern and Southern Commands' missions to defend the United States and its neighbors.