
  • DLIFLC awards first bachelor's degrees

    For the first time in the history of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, two graduates were awarded baccalaureate degrees in foreign language during a graduation ceremony held on Soldier Field on April 7, 2022.

  • 97th IS gains embedded MFLC

    A Military & Family Life Counselor was embedded within the 97th Intelligence Squadron to provide full time support for the unit at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, on Nov. 27, 2017.The counselor fills the gap left by the loss of the 97th IS in-house mental health provider whose schedule no longer

  • Five squadrons celebrate centennial in 2017

    The 97th Intelligence Squadron came together Aug. 18 to celebrate their unit’s centennial almost to the exact day of their activation of Aug. 20, 1917, at Kelly Field, Texas.The 97th is one of five squadrons with direct ties to Offutt or the 55th Wing that mark their centennial in 2017, while there

  • Building dedication honors unit legend

    A dedication ceremony was held at the 97th Intelligence Squadron headquarters facility here June 30. The facility was dedicated Tennant Hall in honor of retired Chief Master Sgt. Thomas H. Tennant who played a major role establishing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations in