
  • Activate new Tricare prescriptions with Q-Anywhere at Offutt

    Do you get your prescriptions filled at a military pharmacy? If so, Offutt has now joined the ranks of bases offering remote pharmacy check-in using Q-Anywhere. Q-Anywhere is a Defense Health Agency-funded program that allows patients to use text messaging to communicate with the pharmacy 24/7 via

  • Trusted Care everywhere is not going anywhere

    As the Defense Health Agency assumes authority, direction and control of military treatment facilities, the Air Force Medical Service will remain steadfast on its Trusted Care journey towards higher reliability and Zero Harm.

  • Milestone changes coming to TRICARE

    TRICARE beneficiaries will soon have increased access to health care through key changes that are set to take place in January 2018. With the benefit set to undergo some of the biggest improvements in more than two decades, beneficiaries will be able to take command of their health care through