
2008 Veteran's Day Message

  • Published
  • By Secretary of the Air Force
  • Office of Public Affairs
Veterans Day

This holiday is a special day; one set aside to remind us of the sacrifices and service of our veterans. These men and women were and are valiantly and selflessly devoted to a cause greater than them. Indeed, this day helps us focus our attention on the purpose of Veterans Day: a celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

As we think about giving thanks to our veterans, it's worth a moment to reflect on who our veterans are. We remember our deceased veterans who have served and have been laid to rest. And we remember our living veterans, from World War I to our current conflicts. The times may have changed and warfare may have changed, but the veteran is still the same hero.

There are many ways to honor veterans. You can:
- Visit your local cemetery and leave flags or flowers on the headstones of those who served
- Visit your local VA hospital or nursing home to sit and talk with veterans who receive care there
- Read books and/or watch documentaries about veterans who paved the way for those of us who followed in uniform
- Participate in community events honoring veterans. Go out in the community and share your story with others, as you are a veteran servicemember too