ORI prep made easy

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Randall Sparks
  • 55th Communications Squadron, commander
Nervous about the upcoming Air Combat Command Operational Readiness Inspection?
Sure, this event is an important measuring stick of our wing's mission readiness. Yes, ORIs don't come around too often, so our related knowledge and skill sets often atrophy and require some intense training and practice. A little nervousness is to be expected, especially for those among us who have never faced the inspector general challenge and participated in a wing ORI. 

But let me share a secret. As far as the IG is concerned, we're no different than any other wing they inspect. But we are very different; we're the Fightin' Fifty-Fifth! Each of us is uniquely qualified to show off our individual knowledge and skills in each of our mission areas. We are superior individuals who come together as a superior team, maximizing our wing's mission effectiveness. 

So how do we prepare? Here are my suggestions. We should prepare the same way my 9-year-old daughter's softball team does. We should focus on fundamentals, attitude and effort. 

Sounds too simple? Sure, the concept is simple, but that's exactly the point. We should simplify our focus and do what each of us does best with fantastic can-do attitudes, maximum effort and a sense of urgency. IG inspectors will tell you they aren't often wowed by complicated schemes and fancy facades. What impresses inspectors and leaders alike is solid fundamental performance executed by Airmen who display a sincere passion and zest for their duties. 

Fundamentals. Do your job and help your Wingman do his or hers. Do what you do best, finish the mission safely and efficiently. Know and comply with the standards of your job.
Focus on those items that are most critical; your Air Force Instructions, Tactical Orders and supervisors will tell you what these items are, but I suspect you already know them well. They are the fundamentals of your job. 

Attitude. Nike says, "Just Do It." Larry the Cable Guy says, "Git R Done." You get the idea.
If we show our pride in our wing, its mission and our work, if we truly are proud of who we are and what we do, success can't help but follow. Furthermore, if we're proud of our work, we're glad to show it off, even to the IG. 

We're happy to accept the challenges presented by our inspectors and because of our focusing on fundamentals and superior team efforts, we can be confident in our readiness. A can-do attitude naturally leads to positive results. 

Effort. Hustle and a sense of urgency will often overcome simple, non-critical mistakes, while focusing on fundamentals will prevent mistakes of the critical type. Maximum effort with solid fundamentals also naturally produces maximum mission output. 

As you can see, there's no reason to be nervous about the ORI. Our wing is traditionally fantastic in these important areas and I'm confident the IG will agree.
As always: The Fightin' Fifty-Fifth Leads the Fight!