What is your best?

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Frank Capoccia
  • 55th Medical Support Squadron commander
What does best mean? We often hear comparisons to the best. It could mean the top, the peak, the most favorable, handpicked, luxury, the greatest, or something that's at a premium. Let's be honest, we don't always operate at our best. If one thinks about it, lots of us have thoughts about what it is to be the best.

Above are thesaurus synonyms for "best". What is your best and how do you define it? You see, each of us defines best differently. Is it scoring an excellent on your fitness assessment? Is it doing very well on your dorm room inspection? Is it getting a 5-rating on your enlisted performance report, or getting stratified on your officer performance report? Is it lending a hand to your fellow Airman when they are not operating at their best, or perhaps it's dedicating volunteer time to something that you believe in or maybe once benefitted you, your family, or your close friend? Is it losing five or 10 pounds, or maybe knocking out that career development course, that Community College of the Air Force, undergraduate, or graduate degree? Is it holding true to your faith, whatever your faith may be? Is it making new friends, or keeping in touch with or re-kindling old connections? Is it fully enjoying your vacation? What is your best?

My dad tried to explain to me "better" or "best" when I was growing up. He said that as a parent, it was his job to provide for his children a little bit better than what he had growing up. Every now & then I get to sit down with my dad and talk to him about it now that I'm a bit older. Now that I'm a parent, I really cherish these times as I reflect on what "better" or "best" are and what they mean to me; I guess you can say that my dad gave me some of what how I define "better" or "best".

Our Air Force, and collectively, our Department of Defense and federal government, are navigating tumultuous and trying times; change is imminent and, whether we realize it or not, we are writing history as each day passes. This is not the first time, a new challenge, nor will it be the last challenge in our uniformed service. Whether one or all of us realize it, the Air Force needs the best around. As you can see from above, we each define "best" in different ways. Our diversity in achieving our best is indeed needed to keep us strong, be innovative in these trying times, and continue to be the world's best Air Force.

Here are a few quotes to help you along with defining your best:

Nobody ever drowned in their own sweat.  ~Ann Landers

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

Always strive for your best, whatever your best may be.