Air Force Major saves local national

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Nick Emerick
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
Recently a member of the 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron at Kadena Air Base, Japan, was going about his normal day when the unexpected happened.

U.S. Air Force Maj. Christopher Nastal, 82nd RS chief of training, which is a geographically separated unit of the 55th Wing, was driving down highway 329 with his wife, Sarah, when she spotted a man lying on the side of road.

"We stopped the car and accessed the situation," Nastal said. "The unconscious man was lying in the road face down with his head near the curb."

After checking for a pulse and signs of breathing, Nastal began giving first aid.

Throughout military training, all members learn basic self-aid buddy care techniques as well as first aid skills. Upon arrival to the scene, Nastal treated the man for shock and a local national called an ambulance to transport the man to a hospital.

"I absolutely relied on the emergency first aid response and self-aid buddy care training I've received in this situation," said Nastal. "I believe I did what anyone would do if they were in a similar situation. Sarah and I happened to be at the right place at the right time to assist."

Nastal has had previous experience helping people in life threatening situations. Last year while scuba diving in the Keramas, a fellow diver panicked sixty feet under water and removed his regulator.

Nastal, once again in the right place at the right time, was able to provide an additional air source to the man. He cited his military training helping him to remain calm himself in this situation.

"I happened to be at the right place and the right time," Nastal said. "I was able to prevent an already bad situation from getting worse."

According to Sarah Nastal, after seeing the man passed out on the sidewalk, she knew they needed to assist him as fast as possible. Major Nastal's military training helped him keep calm in this stressful situation.

"I am proud and thankful for my husband's ability to be cool, calm and collected in this type of situation," said Sarah Nastal. "I was just glad that we could do something to help."