Submit 55th Wing PA requests via P3

  • Published
  • 55th Wing Public Affairs

The 55th Wing Public Affairs office at Offutt Air Force Base now uses the PA Productivity Portal, or P3, to submit work orders for photographic, video, audio, graphics, and editorial support. P3 will also be used to schedule all studio appointments.

These services can now be requested at This replaces the submission of the Air Force Form 833, which was formerly used to request the above services.

P3 is a mission-management tool for Department of the Air Force public communications professionals to ingest and manage support requests, coordinate timely operations, track equipment acquisition and usage, plan targeted communications and centralize operational analysis and improvement of PA methodologies.

By centralizing key data tools, PA can monitor daily operations and make data-driven decisions as part of its permanent management strategy.

Submit requests to 55th Wing public affairs offices through the PA Productivity Portal.

More information is available on our webpage here.