Volunteers bring yule-tidal wave of cheer

  • Published
  • By J.B.Artley
  • 55th Wing Public Affairs Office

Buddy the Elf and the Grinch spread holiday cheer while volunteers handed out toys to 216 Families at the Airman’s Attic second annual toy drive at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.

Santa’s helpers assisted 473 children of junior ranking servicemembers, E-6 and below with their toy selection. 

John Winkler, Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District general manager, volunteered at a food drive for the Airman’s Attic in October 2023 and noticed there was a lot of used toys there.

“I believe every kid deserves a new toy for Christmas,” Winkler said. “Since the Attic serves those warriors and their families that need a little extra help, I thought what a small way to support those that protect my family’s freedom and safety all year long.”

Winkler made a few phone calls to local civic and business leaders and lined up support to host a toy drive for the Airman’s Attic. He thought that it might be a one-time event; however, Catina Nesheim, Airman’s Attic lead volunteer and manager, saw it was such a huge success that she and other volunteers held the second annual toy drive this year.

“The community support for the Airman's Attic and our food pantry is simply amazing,” said Nesheim. “All of the toys were donated by the community or base organizations. We even had a service member's mother from Minnesota bring in $1,500 of toys. The community support we receive is overwhelming.” 

Maj. Trevor Martin, U.S. Strategic Command ICBM targeting quality assurance officer, was asked by his wife, Jessica to volunteer. Being aware of all the support the Airman’s Attic offers, he wanted to support the toy drive.

“I said yes, and that was before the ‘hey you’re going to be in costume,’” said Martin. “So, I signed up without knowing the full details. When they asked if I’d be willing to be Buddy the Elf and bring a little joy and excitement to all the kids, I thought I’d be more than happy to do that.”

Lt. Col. Todd Rotramel, 55th Wing Command Post chief, found himself in a similar situation. His wife, Teresa, asked him to volunteer and then sprung the, ‘hey you’re going to be in costume’ line as well. Rotramel says he likes to do improv comedy, most recently dressing up as Beetlejuice for a Halloween party, so his transformation into the Grinch was one he looked forward to.

“It took, Teresa and me about two hours from start to finish,” Rotramel said. “This included trimming down the prosthetic nose, dismantling the previous grinch mask and modifying it to fit my face as well as all the glue, latex, and makeup.”

Martin and Rotramel were seemingly tricked into dressing up by their wives for the toy drive, but was one of them set-up long before this year’s toy drive was even planned? 

Both men were invited to a White Elephant gift exchange party in 2023, where Rotramel brought a Buddy the Elf costume as his gift. Rotramel said he was hoping he could get the gift back, but ‘somehow’ Martin ended up with it. Did he really want it back, or was this all part of his Grinchy alter ego’s dastardly plot to get his friend to play the goofy elf? 

“Trevor ended up with it and he was a phenomenal Buddy the Elf,” said Rotramel, as his heart grew three sizes. 

Both men agreed, it seemed like the parents enjoyed the characters more than the children.

“We were doing all kinds of antics and we’re laughing, and the parents were laughing. It wound up being a lot of fun,” Rotramel said.

“The parents were asking me questions as if I was Buddy the Elf and I was able to use my knowledge of the movie to make it fun for them.” Martin added.  

The Airman’s Attic is open Tuesdays from 12-4 p.m., Thursdays from 2- 6 p.m., and one Saturday per month from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.  Follow their Facebook page for more information.