COVID-19 testing available for DOD members, families

  • Published
  • 55th Wing Public Affairs

As more COVID-19 testing sites pop-up in the local area, the 55th Medical Group would like to remind Team Offutt that testing is available to all DOD members and their families who have COVID-19 symptoms, known contact, are high-risk or have traveled to high-risk areas.

Anyone considering alternate testing options should first consult with 55th MDG staff as the Ehrling Bergquist Clinic and Medical Treatment Facility has the infrastructure and capacity to test for COVID-19.

“Offutt remains in a declared public health emergency, so if you are seeking a test due to known COVID-19 symptoms, you should immediately self-isolate and notify your supervisor and public health,” said Maj. (Dr.) Elaina Wild, 55th Medical Operations Squadron.

In addition, if you have taken a test at one of the local COVID-19 testing sites, you must report the results to public health as soon as you notified, regardless of the result.

“A negative test result does not mean that you are released from isolation or quarantine,” Wild said. “Failure to report to your chain of command and public health or adherence to existing restriction of movement procedures, threatens the health and safety of our mission and family.”

Only public health staff can release individuals from isolation as determined by current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Defense Health Agency requirements.

“Release from quarantine is only after a full 14 days, provided the member remains asymptomatic throughout this period.” Wild said. “This is of course subject to change based on medical clearance established by alternative diagnosis of exposure.”

For additional information on COVID-19 testing, contact the public health office at the EBC at (402) 294-8009.

“It is absolutely imperative that everyone adhere to these guidelines and to do so could expose personnel to unnecessary risk,” said Col. Gavin Marks, 55th Wing commander. “We are doing everything we can to ensure our personnel and their families remain healthy and safe against his virus and this is a huge part of it.”