Benevolence sweeps Offutt

  • Published
  • 55th Wing Public Affairs

The temperature outside remains frigid but the days of mistletoe are nothing more than a memory.

 There is one thing that survived the long lines and family get-togethers of the season and that is the benevolence Team Offutt has shown in the Combined Federal Campaign.

 “This year Team Offutt took a step back and realized we needed an obtainable goal,” said 1st Lt. Jason Bagnall, 55th Wing CFC manager.  “We realize that Offutt has changed a lot over the years.”

 “We looked at past historical numbers and set our goal at $160,000 with 100% face-to-face contact,” he added.

 The CFC committee held six different fundraising events, five were at the squadron level. The other one was done as a team effort at the BX. The goal was to reach out to active duty, civilian and retired members.

 “It meant a lot to the CFC team to reach our goal this year,” Bagnall said. “Some of us were worried that we wouldn’t come close based on current events going on around the country around the time frame of the campaign.”

 The 55th Operations Group did really well during the campaign, but the 557th Weather Wing killed it with their contributions, he added.

 If the numbers were broken down by unit, the 55th Security Forces Squadron donated more to this campaign than any other squadron.

 “They really got behind the CFC and supported it throughout the entire campaign,” Bagnall said.

 “And I would like to give a huge shout out to both U.S. Strategic Command and Team Offutt for being the biggest contributors (in the state) once again for this year’s campaign,” he added.