
Gate Hours

Kenney Gate:
6 a.m. - 9 p.m. daily
Bellevue Gate:
Mon - Fri, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Closed Saturdays and Sundays, All Federal Holidays and 55th Wing/ACC Family Days

Need a visitor pass?

Sponsor and visitor(s) may report in-person to the Visitor Control Center (VCC) Bldg 478 adjacent to the USSTRATCOM Gate.

Hours:  Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., the VCC is closed on all Federal Holidays & ACC/55th Wing Family Days. When the VCC is closed, visitor passes may be issued at the USSTRATCOM Gate.

Sponsor must accompany the visitor(s) at the time of request, and both must present appropriate government issued credentials.

Duration of the pass and whether the visitor may be granted escorted or unescorted entry depends on several factors to include but are not limited to: the sponsor’s assigned duty station, sponsor’s ID type, visitor’s ID type, and pass issuing location (VCC or Gate).

To request a visitor pass in advance (no less than three duty days), sponsors may complete and submit the request form below.  These requests must come from the sponsor’s official government e-mail and must be signed and encrypted to protect PII. 

Download the visitor pass request form HERE

Public Affairs requests
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Offutt Digital Bulletin Board

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Offutt AFB Operator

Offutt Air Force Base Operator 
(402) 294-1110
DSN: 271-1110

Offutt AFB Public Affairs does not act as an operator service or base locator.