Offutt closes out Women’s History Month with a celebration

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Carly A. Costello
  • 55th Wing Public Affairs
Offutt Air Force Base closed out Women's History Month with a celebration at the Patriot Club featuring women speakers from the local area on March 28.

The event, titled "Leading from all directions," was put on by the Women's History Committee, a subcommittee of Offutt's Multicultural Heritage Committee.

The speakers, who were chosen by the Women's History Committee for their leadership roles in the community, included Bellevue Mayor Rita Sanders, Dr. Maryanne Stevens, College of Saint Mary president, and retired U.S. Navy Capt. Paula Hinger.

"[The speakers] are all leading in very different areas," said U.S. Staff Sgt. Shana Mena, 55th Medical Support Squadron and head of the Women's History Committee. "Women are a strong force and they aren't just leading in specific areas of life, they are leading men and women all over the world in all different directions."

During the event, the women spoke about their roles in the community, their ties to Offutt and their hopes for the future.

Sanders, a longtime volunteer in the Bellevue community, talked about her involvement with the Bellevue and Offutt community, highlighting what makes Bellevue great and how the community is growing and getting stronger.

Stephens, who moved to Bellevue as a teenager when her father got stationed at Offutt, took a different approach saying that one day she hopes there is no such thing as a Women's History Month because men and women should be seen as equal integral parts to history. She also talked about the great things men and women can do when they work together.

"I think women and men together bring such strength when they partner with one another; how they can really serve the world," Stephens said.

Hinger spoke about the opportunities she had in the military and her decision to become a "professional volunteer" after retiring.

"The military leads in equal opportunity," Hinger said. "I came in when men were men and women were supposed to be men, too. Over the years, I had so many opportunities given to me because of my military service that I never really appreciated until I got out."

The Multicultural Heritage Committee holds events throughout the year to promote cultural awareness and educate the Offutt community on different cultures that help make up Team Offutt. U.S. Air Force Col. Hans Palaoro, 55th Wing vice commander and host of the Women in History event, said that it's important for Offutt to hold events like this because they show the Air Force's diverse background.

"I hope the attendees walked away with a better appreciation for why we in the Air Force value diversity so much," Palaoro said after the event. "Diversity isn't a buzz-word; it's a strategy for success. When you are open to and actively integrate the experiences, ideas and strengths of other people who aren't just like you, you inevitably come up with better answers and solutions. By listening to the rich life stories and advice of today's featured speakers, each highly successful in her own life and career, I hope the audience experienced a little mind-expansion and realization that there are many different ways of looking at what's important and getting to success. I know I did."